
Inspiring engagement every day


The big idea was to inspire, motivate and empower crew to represent the brand in its broadest sense every time they interact with all passengers. From a personal point of view James Branding wanted the work to be future proofed; work that would stand the test of time. 

Environmental design does not stop at bricks and mortar. It should reinforce high-end positioning of the Crew Processing Centre and use involvement techniques  that enhance the experience by adding an informative emotional dimension.

With a truly multicultural crew of over one hundred and fifty different nationalities flying to over one hundred destinations there is a clear need to inform the crew about places that Emirates service.

Creative Solution

Our plan was to deliver a three-dimensional brand journey and post-training experience that inspires way beyond the capability of flat artwork.

We further enhanced the brand experience, optimizing impact by selecting and recommending; colours, imagery, fabrics, metals and lighting that gave a more realistic perception of textures and surfaces.

Our understanding of the imperative function of visual messaging, imagery and colour was essential for creating the supportive brand spaces.

Project Summary

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Expression
  • Copywriting
  • Visual Tone of Voice
  • Brand Experience
  • Brand Environment Design
  • Brand Management
  • Brand Environment Execution