
Building a fresh butchery brand for the region


Quite simply, our strategy hinged on putting personality back into the retail meat business to differentiate real butchers from supermarket meat counters. Our work proposed training, service, hygiene and sheer craftsmanship is what it takes to be a genuine Meat Specialist qualified to advise customers on the health benefits of red meat. The exclusive importer of Australian meat and owner of the country’s only slaughterhouse gave our client an additional edge and the credibility to make the definitive promise ‘Qatar’s Freshest Meat’.

Creative Solution

Widam, a unique and relevant Arabic word describing an essential part of any meal is now the name behind a stock exchange listed meat trading company and its retail focused consumer promise ‘Fresh & Healthy Meat from Specialists’. Widam reflects lifestyles and values common to Arabs and Westerners putting meat at the heart of enjoyment, fun, health, vitality and lively family activities.

Project Summary

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Audit
  • Brand Workshops
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Expression
  • Brand Identity
  • Visual Tone of Voice
  • Brand Experience
  • Brand Communications Suite
  • Print Applications Design
  • Website Design & Development
  • Brand Management
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Book