City Destination Brand Identities from A to Z

One of the fastest growing and largest sectors in the world is tourism — now generating over 7.6 trillion USD according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. With that in mind, destination branding is more relevant than ever before. Everyone from small sleepy towns to enormous energetic countries are getting in on the action in the hope of attracting people with disposable income to their destination.

The destination brands who are able to portray the pulse and personality of their place in an aesthetic and relevant matter will in the long run be more successful in attracting tourists than their counterparts [subject to other factors being similar such as e.g. accessibility, reputation, cost of travel and political stability].

Here we have gathered 26 city destination logos from A to Z, of varying quality. Some are thought through and on-brand, a few are just OK, whereas others should probably consider a rebrand.

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City Destination Brand Identities From A to Z

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Berlin, Germany
Copenhagen, Denmark
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Edinburgh, Scotland
Florence, Italy
Gdansk, Poland
Helsinki, Finland
Izmir, Turkey
Jakarta, Indonesia
Kampala, Uganda
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Madrid, Spain
Nha Trang, Vietnam
Oslo, Norway
Paris, France
Quebec, Canada
Riga, Latvia
Singapore, Singapore
Tokyo, Japan
Uppsala, Sweden
Vienna, Austria
Wellington, New Zealand
Xai-Xai, Mozambique
York, England
Zurich, Switzerland