An evolutionary new brand identity

An evolutionary identity in these present times would be Pfizer’s new brand identity. After 171 years, the brand’s evolution happens to be at a time where there’s an extraordinary focus on science and patient dedication.

Arriving at a new era, Pfizer’s brand aspirations go beyond just being seen as a company that treats diseases; but more as one that prevents and cures diseases. A transformation of the brand legacy, one that looks to the future in a time of science, compassion and breakthroughs.

Sally Susman, Pfizer’s Executive Vice President stated, “with this identity, Pfizer reflects the dignity and history of the brand while capturing the innovative spirit and science focus alive in the company today.”

Pfizer’s new logo definitely signals this shift from commerce to science. Designed by the agency Team, it is constructed of two interlocking forms that are inspired by the DNA’s double helix structure, Pfizer’s new logo, particularly with the union of the interlocking forms, reflects the company’s passion and dedication to the science behind innovations as well as to the wellbeing of patients.

Pfizer Brand Identity

It will be interesting to monitor if the new brand logo and design system will overtime become as recognised and iconic as the little blue pill, which, over the last two decades, has become a highly recognised visual.