James in action – in Doha

What an action-packed week we had at James last week. In Doha, for a lifestyle photo shoot, 2 weeks of hard-core studio planning finally unraveled on location.

The last month, we’ve been busy on a brand awareness campaign for our client, Lagoona Mall. The photo shoot was a part of this campaign: we wanted to capture the many experiences Lagoona has to offer.

Armed with a team of photographer, stylists and models, we set out at 7am. Unexpected glitches apart (what’s a shoot without these?), the shoot carried on smoothly. Shooting at several locations around the mall – restaurants, boutiques and general space – we aroused onlookers’ curiosity and questions. The atmosphere was buzzing and inspiring and the team was dedicated and talented.

We’re happy with the results and are excited to roll out the campaign soon.

Check out some behind the scene snaps here and watch this space for more on the campaign!