How online brands still feel “human”

Very rarely is a brand associated with the customer service it delivers…more often than not, consumers will think of the products, the logo, the design, the retail environment and purchasing experience. While the market’s definition of a brand has definitely expanded in recent memory to include the “softer” elements of a business’s interactions with the public, the focus on customer service, however committed a company may claim to be to it, is still lacking, especially in less developed or newly emerging markets.

brands and colours an instantaneous method for conveying meaning without words

Brands and colours: An instantaneous method for conveying meaning without words

Colours are a language of their own; in every day life and in visual communication, they are one of the first things we register when we are assessing anything. They evoke emotions and have psychological properties that instantly trigger various thoughts, memories and associations for people, environments and events.

Art, design and music have always been an a representation of how a culture expresses attitudes and emotions of the time: this expression is represented in forms of design. For example, the 70s recession brought earthy colors, environmental movement into the design. In the 80’s, we see an explosion of vibrant colours with the economic upturn and MTV’s influence on spreading pop music. In the 90’s, we see grunge and graffiti style. The 00’s, we see the influence of the technology revolution and minimalism, individualism and globalisation.

what is creativity

What IS Creativity?

We throw the word around a lot. Companies advertise for “creative types” to fill “creative roles”, look for people who have “creative thinking skills”, and are able to contribute “creative solutions and perspectives”. Companies claim to be “creative companies” or work in the “creative space”. Job candidates splash the word “creative” all across their resumes, their LinkedIn profiles, and their cover letters. There are industry competitions and awards given to companies in every industry from design to technology to architecture to medicine to law to fashion to agriculture that recognizes those who have been “creative”. But what exactly does it mean to be creative? What exactly IS creativity?

Branding and Start-ups

Success in any activity requires the right ingredients and basic fundamentals. Winning a sports championship requires skill and years of practice, baking requires the right mix of ingredients, – similarly a business requires the basic fundamentals to start, grow and establish a presence in the market. A strategic business plan, clear goals and a robust brand from day one are certainly key ingredients towards a strong foundation and success for any large or small business.

From Fad to Reality: The Evolution of “Green” Brands

“Go Green”. A slogan that once represented a trend today represents a lifestyle. What started as a minor effort to adopt environmentally friendly habits has grown into people being conscious global citizens, who are increasingly contributing to a green planet. Amidst their personal efforts, people have also turned to leading global brands with just one (but by no means small) expectation: how to lead the way towards sustainable development.

The Brand Environment: why looks DO matter!

Whenever we think about a brand—we automatically think of a logo. Visions of the different brands in our lives will flash before our eyes: the cursive red Coca Cola logo, the green Starbucks mermaid, Apple Inc.’s white apple with a bite in it, the patterned “LV” splashed across a Louis Vuitton bag.

 But there’s a bigger picture…literally.

Savvy Social Media & Fashion Brands

UntitledOver the past few years, social media has moved fast and has taken its hold in the world of business. Retail brands, in particular, are testing and learning how to increase their online presence and make their brand strategies work on social media platforms. American luxury leather goods company, Coach, is one brand that has managed to master Social Media. For instance, catering to its new market, China, Coach developed a campaign on WeChat titled “Win Gifts on Horseback”, which is also a Chinese pun meaning ‘win gifts immediately’. (WeChat  is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed in  China, first released in January 2011). The campaign comprises of three parts: draw for winning a handbag, a New Year’s wallpaper download, and a red envelope with a gift card and coupon lottery.

Nike copywriting and brands the role of taglines and copy in driving brand success

Copywriting and Brands: The Role of Taglines and Copy in Driving Brand Success

“Just Do it.” We’ve all heard the phrase; we’ve all used it. The famous line is the slogan of global sportswear brand Nike, and remains the driving force behind the company’s culture, marketing, product development, and customer experience. It’s very difficult to mention Nike in a conversation without referencing the catchphrase, which has become synonymous with the brand and everything it stands for.

Emirates english vs arabic the design frontier

English vs. Arabic: The design frontier

One of the most challenging tasks for designers in the Middle East is to make Arabic & Latin work together in design layouts, especially in brand marks. Many designs are simply developed to visually scream at us as we walk across a mall or drive down a street. Signposts are created just to be seen, many a times forgetting the importance of creating an aesthetically inviting melody of colour type & shape.